Gender-based violence: its manifestations, ways to overcome it and effective response - a meeting was held at the Community House in Odesa with social workers, representatives of the social protection department and lawyers.
Such a wide range of participants ensured a deep discussion of the problem and the search for practical solutions.
During the meeting, the participants discussed in detail the main concepts such as "violence", "gender", "gender", "gender-based violence" and "domestic violence". Particular attention was paid to understanding the forms of domestic violence, which is often the result of gender inequalities and stereotypes.
Discussions of legislative aspects of preventing and countering domestic violence were particularly relevant. The participants considered methods of identifying victims and ways to strengthen interdepartmental communication. The discussion aimed to find concrete practical solutions to improve the situation and support the victims.
The meeting provided opportunities for professional exchange of experience and contributed to the strengthening of cooperation between various institutions and organizations fighting violence.
The event was held with the support of the UN Refugee Agency and OXFAM GB.