Громадська організація «ДЕСЯТЕ КВІТНЯ» проводить конкурс на заміщення посади  юриста по роботі з особами без громадянства. Дедлайн - 26 серпня 2021 року. (далі - англ.)

The NGO “The Tenth of April” announces the vacancy for the position of a lawyer for the project implemented under the partnership with UNHCR in Ukraine “Protection of Refugees and Stateless persons in Odesa”.

The project seeks to improve the protection environment of stateless persons and those at risk of statelessness through enhancing the access to free legal assistance on access to documentation procedures. The project also aims to raise awareness of the statelessness problem among the local stakeholders.

The lawyer will have the responsibility to provide legal assistance for stateless persons in the Odessa city and Odessa region, which requires trips to the districts of the Odessa region.  Employment in the project will cover 100% of work time.


  • Identification of the stateless persons and persons at risk of statelessness, conducting interviews;
  • Providing primary and secondary legal assistance for stateless persons and persons at risk of statelessness, including legal counselling, administrative assistance, litigation support;
  • Establishing of working contacts with the state authorities of the Odessa region;
  • Preparation and organization of round tables, seminars, training for the government officials on the topics related to statelessness;
  • Timely and qualified implementation of all the project activities;
  • Produce high qualified and timely reports for Organization and donors within agreed deadlines;
  • Maintaining the databases used by the Organization;
  • Participation in the public activities of Organization;
  • Comply with all relevant Organization policies and procedures, particularly with respect to Procurement policies and the Code of conduct.

Required qualifications

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in law;
  • Know and abide by high humanitarian principles, admitted by International Institutions such as UN, UE;
  • Cultural sensitivity and diplomacy;
  • Proven capacity to conduct lobbying and advocacy activities, design, and produce quality knowledge products, including policy and legal papers, etc;
  • Commitment to teamwork;
  • Highly motivated;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian, Russian and English (speaking/reading/writing).

We offer

Full-time employment in a friendly and motivating working environment. Fixed-term employment contract till the end of 2021 (4 months) will be concluded with the best candidate. The continuation of employment for 2022 will depend on the personal work results and the achievement of the project’s goals.

Application process

Motivation letters explaining the interest in the position and CVs in English should be sent to [email protected] with the subject: “Lawyer STA”.

Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview, no late applications will be accepted.

Deadline for applications: 26.08.2021. No late applications will be accepted.

Should you have any further questions regarding the vacancy, please contact us via email: [email protected], or by phone: +38 (048) 766-00-04, +38 (097) 034-54-82.